Salesforce-Summer-24-Release Highlights

Get ready to unleash the full potential of your business with the Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release! This update, largely rolling out on 17 May, 7 June, and 14 June, brings a wave of powerful new features designed to streamline your operations, boost productivity, and unlock deeper customer connections. 

In the Summer 2024 Release, Salesforce has focused on enhancing every aspect of your business with cutting-edge AI and user-centric features. Here’s what’s in store for you: 

  • Sales Cloud: Leverage the power of conversational AI with Einstein Copilot to automate tasks and gain valuable customer insights. 
  • Service Cloud: My Service Journey helps personalise your Service Cloud experience, guiding you towards achieving your specific customer service goals. 
  • Marketing Cloud: Deliver exceptional customer experiences with features like Waterfall Segments for personalised campaigns and Data Cloud integration for more targeted marketing efforts. 
  • Commerce Cloud: Streamline your online store setup with a refreshed Commerce App. Provide a seamless checkout experience with Salesforce Checkout. 
  • Analytics Cloud: Unify your data landscape by embedding Analytics collections directly into Lightning Pages. And gain secure access to your private Snowflake data. 

These are just a few highlights! Dive deeper into the top features that align with your needs and unlock the full potential of Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release! 

Sales Cloud 

Craft Winning Emails Faster with Einstein  

Stop wasting time writing emails and start closing more deals with Einstein Sales Emails. This powerful AI tool helps you create personalised messages that resonate with your customers. Einstein analyses your sales data to understand your contacts and leads. It then suggests email content tailored to their specific needs and interests.  

Einstein Sales Emails Summer 24 Release Salesforce

Additionally, you can choose from common email types like follow-ups or meeting invites, or let generative AI do the heavy lifting for you. And you can even include relevant product details or other information to make your emails even more impactful.  

Einstein Emails Summer 24 Release Salesforce
Einstein Sales Emails Salesforce Summer 24 Release

Unveiling Customer Concerns with Conversation Signals 

Imagine having a window into your customers’ minds! With the enhanced conversation signals in Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release, you can unlock the topics that truly matter to them, directly from their interactions with your sales team. Leverage cutting-edge large language models (LLMs) to understand the topics your customers bring up with your sales reps.  

Salesforce Summer 24 Release - Conversation Signals 1
Salesforce Summer 24 Release - Conversation Signals 2

That’s not all. You can filter these topics by category and keyword to create a dashboard showcasing the most relevant topics. These topics will be directly related to the products and competitors you identified when setting up your ECI (Engagement Conversation Interface). Drilling down these topics individually enables your team to gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs, pinpoint pain points or opportunities, and tailor your approach accordingly. 

Salesforce Summer 24 Release - Conversation Signals 3
Salesforce Summer 24 Release - Conversation Signals 4

Power Up Prospecting with Data Insights 

This Prospecting Centre update boosts top-of-funnel sales with Data Cloud analysis of historical account data, empowering sellers to identify ideal prospects. While Fit scores pinpoint the best accounts to target, engagement scores reveal the most receptive accounts. This helps your team prioritise high-potential leads and build pipelines faster by focusing efforts on the right opportunities at the perfect time. 

Service Cloud 

Unleash the Full Potential of Your Service Cloud: My Service Journey 

Ready to unlock the full potential of Service Cloud and take your customer service to the next level? My Service Journey is your one-stop shop for maximising the value of your Salesforce investment.  

My Service Journey empowers you to: 

  • Business-Driven Approach: Focus on achieving your Service Cloud goals, whether enhancing your Help Site, empowering your agents, or anything in between. 
  • Actionable Guidance: Discover how different Service Cloud features can be leveraged to achieve your specific objectives. 
  • Edition Tailored: Get recommendations that perfectly align with your current Service Cloud edition. 

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Explore the latest and greatest Service Cloud innovations, including cutting-edge Einstein features. 

Salesforce Summer 24 Release - My Service Journey 

Get Smart Answers for Your Customers with AI 

Struggling to keep your chatbot conversations flowing? This feature update is the solution. Just integrate the Answer Questions with Knowledge copilot action into your bot. That way when a customer throws your bot a curveball question outside its programmed responses, the Einstein Copilot action steps in like a genius, delivering AI-generated answers.  

To find the perfect response, the copilot first taps into your knowledge articles. And when it does, the Einstein Copilot platform uses its AI to craft a clear and informative response. The bot, ever the smooth operator, delivers the AI-generated response directly to your customer, reducing the need for human intervention and leaving customers happy and informed. 

Stop Downtime in Its Tracks Using Proactive Asset Tools 

Equipment downtime is the enemy of productivity. But what if you could predict and prevent equipment failures before they happen? Try updated Proactive Asset Service in Salesforce Field Service, your secret weapon for maximising uptime and keeping your operations running smoothly. It leverages the combined strength of Data Cloud and CRM Analytics to unlock valuable insights from your asset data and track equipment age, usage patterns, and past maintenance history. 

But it doesn’t stop there! By updating these data in the Asset Health Score dashboard, get a clearer picture of your equipment’s condition – good, fair, or critical. And, what’s more? Timely notifications alert you when an asset needs attention, allowing you to address potential issues before they escalate and keep your business running at peak performance. 

Marketing Cloud 

Prioritise Campaigns with Waterfall Segments (Generally Available) 

The updated Waterfall Segments are now generally available! This powerful feature lets you create a structured and prioritised list of offers, ensuring each customer receives the most relevant promotion for them. 

Forget bombarding customers with multiple options. Waterfall Segments guarantee each person receives only one, targeted promotion. You can craft a tiered list of segments, with the most valuable offers reaching the right audience first. It offers the flexibility of rearranging segments within your waterfall to adjust priorities as needed. Enjoy a streamlined user experience for building and managing your waterfall segments, while leveraging even more precise targeting capabilities. 

Boost Your Marketing Automation with Flow Builder Enhancements 

Marketing automation just got easier with the latest Flow Builder updates for Marketing Cloud Growth that enable: 

  • Effortless Consent Collection: Automatically create consent records when someone submits a signup form. No extra steps needed! 
  • Smarter User Management: Remove users from flows based on specific exit conditions, keeping your data clean. 
  • Duplicate Reduction: Prevent messy data by checking for duplicate records before creating new ones. 
  • Data Graph Insights: Leverage Data Cloud data graph attributes for more granular control in exit rules and decision-making within flows. 

This means you can save time by automating common tasks, improve data quality for better results, and personalise your marketing efforts for higher engagement. 

Improved Landing Page Management in Marketing Cloud Growth 

This Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release update streamlines landing page creation and management in Marketing Cloud Growth, focusing on three key areas: security, search engine optimisation (SEO), and user experience. Here’s a quick rundown: 

Enhanced Security: 

  • Google reCAPTCHA Integration: Protect forms on landing pages from bots and fraudulent activity using Google reCAPTCHA v2. 

Improved Search Visibility: 

  • SEO Properties: Boost your landing page ranking in search results by adding SEO properties like page descriptions, head tags, and a public page title (now a required field). 
  • Sitemap Integration: Increase the discoverability of your landing pages by adding them to your sitemap. 

Simplified User Experience: 

  • Guest and Authenticated User Previews: Preview landing pages as both a guest and authenticated user to ensure optimal experience for all visitors. 
  • Flow Details on Publish: Review details of the associated flow when publishing a landing page with a form. 
  • Automatic URL Alias Activation: Published landing pages automatically activate their URL alias, eliminating the need for manual activation. 

Commerce Cloud 

Launch Your Dream Store in a Flash with Guided Store Setup 

Ready to turn your business vision into reality? This enhanced store setup experience makes launching your online store faster and simpler – in under 30 minutes! Go beyond the basics with intelligent tasks that personalise the setup process for your specific selling needs. It’s like having a built-in assistant to streamline your workflow.  

Forget about tedious manual clicks! As you complete each required guided task, it’ll be automatically marked as done. Once everything is set up, simply preview your stunning store and hit publish to start taking orders. For updated Commerce App users, there is even greater convenience with direct preview and activation from your store’s homepage. No need to navigate through multiple screens! 

Salesforce Summer 24 Release - Quick Store Setup

Delight Your Customers with Personalised Shopping Enhancements 

Ever wanted your customers to have a shopping experience that feels like it was designed just for them? With the power of Data Cloud segments, you can easily make that a reality for your customers. Leverage Data Cloud’s wealth of customer information to create detailed shopper groups and segments based on specific criteria, allowing for highly targeted marketing and promotions.  

Based on these segments, you can craft customised shopping experiences that resonate with each customer and drive more sales. Plus, these segments are linked to your online store, enabling you to deliver personalised content like offers and discounts at scale, leading to happier and more engaged customers that easily convert. 

Streamline Your Checkout with Salesforce Checkout for D2C Stores 

Say goodbye to checkout headaches! The Salesforce Checkout update for D2C stores provides a better unified experience to manage everything from payments to taxes and shipping in one central location. It also comes with smart defaults with pre-configured settings and automation that takes the guesswork out of checking out, saving valuable time. That means, you can provide a smooth and optimised checkout journey for your customers, including one-click checkout, keeping them happy and coming back for more. 

Salesforce Checkout for D2C Stores - Summer 24 Release


Get More Functionality with the New Dashboard Lightning Web Component  

You can now embed CRM Analytics dashboards into Lightning Experience Pages effortlessly using the newly introduced CRM Analytics Dashboard Lightning web component. This component seamlessly blends with Lightning Experience pages and LWR sites. For instance, clients can effortlessly access key metrics and trends of their opportunity data, creating a holistic view that empowers informed decision-making. Users also get a unified experience that eliminates the need to switch between different applications to access valuable insights. 

New Dashboard Lightning Web Component - salesforce Summer 24 Release

Access Your Snowflake Data via AWS VPC  

Unlock deeper insights into your private Snowflake data within CRM Analytics. Establish a remote connection through the Virtual Private Connection (VPC) for Snowflake on AWS connector to synchronise data from Snowflake to Data Manager. Leveraging the AWS VPC interface endpoints ensures secure connectivity to Snowflake internal stages, facilitating data transfer within the AWS internal network to enhance security and privacy, eliminating reliance on the public internet. 

Access Analytics Collections Directly on Lightning Pages 

Deliver analytics directly to your users within their working environment by embedding collections onto Lightning pages. With the latest update to the Lightning App Builder, you now have the flexibility to select any Analytics collection to feature as a component of your page. Earlier, only the initial collection was accessible for embedding. A collection can comprise CRM Analytics dashboards and lenses, Lightning reports and dashboards, as well as Tableau dashboards. 

Salesforce summer 24 release - Analytics Collections

To Wrap Up 

Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release introduces pragmatic solutions to elevate your business capabilities. Leveraging its intuitive automation and AI-driven functionalities across all clouds, you can effortlessly streamline operations and amplify productivity.  

At Dogma, we are dedicated to facilitating your digital journey toward success, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the favourable outcomes these enhancements will bring to your organisation. 

Salesforce 2024 Summer Release Experts

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