Salesforce Summer '24 Marketing Cloud Updates

Marketers, assemble! Feeling stuck in campaign creation purgatory? The Salesforce Summer ’24 Release for Marketing Cloud is your divine intervention. They’re bringing the power of automation, unified data, and smarter audience building to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Get ready to craft laser-focused campaigns that’ll have your conversion rates soaring higher than a caffeinated hummingbird. This update is a game-changer, folks – ditch the guesswork and unleash the marketing maestro within. Here’s a rundown of all the key updates! 

1. Prioritise Campaigns with Waterfall Segments 

Ever felt like you were bombarding audiences with irrelevant offers? Waterfall Segmentation is here to save the day. This revamped feature lets you prioritise segments, ensuring each customer receives the perfect promo (no more offer overload!). Think of it like a VIP line for your most valuable segments. It’s simple to set up, so ditch the guesswork and start crafting campaigns with pinpoint precision.  

2. Improve Journey Performance with Recommendations  

Stop journey roadblocks in their tracks!  The updated Journey Builder in Marketing Cloud now acts as your personal performance coach, suggesting tweaks to optimise every campaign. We’re talking about nixing outdated content, streamlining custom activities, and eliminating dead-end waits. This means smoother journeys, happier customers, and results that’ll leave the competition in the dust. 

3. Get More Done with Updated Flow Functionality 

Marketing automation on autopilot? You got it! The latest Marketing Cloud update in Salesforce ’24 streamlines tasks like consent capture, duplicate filtering, and user exits in flows. Imagine: signup forms that automatically generate consent records, flows that clean up duplicates for pristine data, and exit rules that adapt to changing customer situations. Stop wrestling with manual processes – this update unleashes the marketing efficiency beast within you.  

Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Flows with Exit Rules

4. Work More Efficiently with New Access Points on Campaigns 

This Salesforce Summer ‘24 update for Marketing Cloud streamlines campaign management. You can now design customer journeys (flows) directly within campaigns, preview content, and view related flow assets – all without leaving the campaign record. This functionality applies to specific Salesforce and Marketing Cloud editions.  

customer journeys in campaigns
customer journeys in campaigns Salesforce Marketing Cloud

5. Streamline Tasks with Content Creation Enhancements 

i. Brand Your Content (Generally Available) 

This update from Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release levels up your brand in Marketing Cloud. Design custom email and landing page styles with granular control over spacing, borders, and text. Real-time previews ensure mobile-optimised experiences. Share styles across workspaces for consistent branding.  

ii. Share Content Across Marketing Workspaces 

Sharing Made Easy: Reuse Content in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Marketers can leverage pre-approved content across projects. Shared content appears in a dedicated folder within target workspaces, eliminating duplication. Content admins enable sharing in Workspace Settings, allowing marketers to find that content in the Shared with Workspaces folder. 

Workspace Sharing Salesforce Summer 24 Update

iii. Save Time with Content Cloning 

Repetitive content creation can be draining and less effective. Salesforce understands! That’s why, Salesforce Summer ‘24 Release for Marketing Cloud injects serious efficiency into your process. Craft stunning, on-brand emails and landing pages (mobile-friendly, of course!) with the new streamlined tools. Clone existing content for lightning-fast edits, share styles across workspaces, and say goodbye to wasted time. It’s content creation on autopilot – helping you focus on the outcome, not the process.  

6. Merge Marketing and Service by Migrating from WhatsApp-First Business Messaging to Unified Messaging 

Don’t let the WhatsApp chaos get you down!  Salesforce Summer ’24 Release for Marketing Cloud brings Unified Messaging for WhatsApp. Now, ditch the channel juggling and deliver seamless experiences across the board. Migrate your existing number, preserve your history, and unlock a world of Data Cloud reporting. It’s the customer connection revolution you’ve been waiting for. 

7. Transfer a WhatsApp Conversation from Marketing Cloud Engagement to Service Cloud with Journey Builder 

Boom! Seamless WhatsApp handoff unlocked. Now, nurture leads into loyal fans with Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Service Cloud transfer. Imagine: a happy lead chats on WhatsApp, then seamlessly connects with a superstar service agent – all within the same journey. Conversation history, data, and phone number? Transferred like magic! Prepare to watch customer satisfaction rates do a celebratory moonwalk. 

Translate these Salesforce Summer ‘24 Marketing Cloud Updates into Reality 

The wait is over! Salesforce Summer ’24 Release for Marketing Cloud is here to supercharge your business. Think seamless automation, powerful AI, and a productivity boost across every marketing channel. We’re Dogma, your trusted advisors for digital transformation, and we can’t wait to help you turn these feature updates into business wins. 


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