Author: Sandesh Wagle 

In Dynamics 365, Product is primarily defined by a product number, name, and description. Product families provide a way to group, classify and categorise products for more streamlined product management. You can even view the family and child product relationships using the CRM. 

Let’s continue with the steps to add product family.  

Go to Service>Product>Add Family as shown in the figure below fig 1 and fig 2. 

After clicking the Add Family the below dialog box will appear as shown in fig 3. Now you can provide details such as the name of the Product,Product family ID that might be an alphanumeric letter or simply an alphabet. For example, L-1 and save it.  Once you save this the Product Family will be created.

Once you are done creating the Product family, you can then create the product under that family. For that you need to go to Service>Product>Add Product

After clicking on the Add Product, you will be diverted to a new page as shown in the figure below.  

Now, you will have to fill the required details as follows: 

  • Name: In this field you have to insert the name of the Product. 
  • Product ID: This is the unique ID, which is given to the Product, so that, it can be separated from others. As mentioned above, this can be given by the combination of alphabet and numbers (i.e. alphanumeric character) or only alphabet. For example A-1.  
  • Parent: This field is the key part which helps the product to be classified under the particular family which we have just created i.e. Product Family. 
  • Unit Group: These are the quantities or measurements that you sell your products or services in. This can be selected by lookup as per the requirement of your business. 
  • Default Price List: This is the field where you can select the price of that particular product. 
  • Decimal Supported: In this field you can provide the numeric value up-to which level you want to display after decimal. 

After saving the Product the created product can be used if any of the customers or clients are interested into that Product. The list will be created as Product and appear as shown in figure below: 

We hope this blog helped you to create the Product family and Product under that family. If you need help implementing D365 in your organisation, contact us today for a no-obligation consultation on 01296 328 689. Or email us at 


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