
Starting Spring 2020, Salesforce is introducing brand new capabilities and enhancements to its service and sales clouds.

From customised mobile experiences to personalised email marketing and providing seamless 24/7 customer support universally with Messenger, WhatsApp and more- these ew updates will enable you to sell smarter and elevate customer experience across every channel. For most customers, Salesforce Spring ’20 release has been made globally available from February 17, 2020.

To get you acquainted with Salesforce’s Spring ‘20 Release roadmap, we have highlighted 7 major new features that are getting us excited.

For Sales Cloud

1. Advanced Sales Cadences: Never miss out on engaging your prospects 

Based on their engagement with your emails, you can build a series of steps to nurture a prospect. The “Sales Cadences” option now has more enhanced capabilities like email branching which allows you to segment emails based on different scenarios. 

The last thing you want in your fast-paced day is to miss out on an opportunity because keeping track of it was too much. By setting up a series of steps beforehand, you will be able to eliminate the need for manual reminders. For example, if you set up a reminder to make a phone call to a prospect who opens your email, your sales team will get notified immediately.

Sales cadences: Never miss out on engaging your prospects
Never miss out on engaging your prospects 

2. Boost email productivity: Deliver emails right and work efficiently with conversations

Nothing can be more frustrating than email campaigns that don’t convert, especially those with high sales potential. We understand the effort that goes into getting your emails to land in your customer’s mailbox. But by tailoring your emails to deliver on the perfect day and time, you can significantly improve click-through-rate. 

By capitalising on your knowledge of a customer’s behaviour, Email scheduling in “High Velocity Sales” gives you the ability to reach them at an ideal time. For instance, knowing that your customer checks their emails first thing in the morning gives you the advantage to schedule emails for 9:00 AM. 

Deliver your emails right with new Salesforce Spring '20 Release feature
Deliver your emails on the right day at the right time
Schedule and manage scheduled emails in lightning experience
Schedule and manage scheduled emails in lightning experience

Working as a team has never been simpler and more efficient! With Email Threading your sales team can see an entire conversation in one place, without getting lost in other conversations. By seeing emails together as a conversation, your sales manager can easily review the whole discussion without much trouble. This means you can move deals faster by tracking customer interaction in one place and build a better relationship with your customers.

Email Threading
Email Threading

3. Manage your team’s workload better by assigning tasks to a queue

Often, managers are required to assign tasks to individual team members, making task management difficult and inconsistent. The solution? Assigning tasks in bulk. 

Rather than delegating tasks at hand to individual members, a new Salesforce feature lets you manage your team’s workload by assigning tasks to a group-like platform called “Queue. By assigning tasks to shared “queues”, you no longer need to rely on one sales rep to do everything.  

Members within the queue will be able to access the tasks and chip in without waiting for the task to be routed to them.

New Salesforce Spring '20 Release feature lets you assign tasks to a "Queue"
Assign tasks to a “Queue” rather than individual team members

For Service Cloud

4. Support your customers universally with web chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and more

According to Accenture, 33% of customers who abandoned a business relationship last year did so because personalisation was lacking.  

Now more than ever, customers increasingly expect to be able to communicate with brands through social chat channels. By enabling this Spring 2020 update, your customer service team can interact with customers via text messages and popular messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp from within Salesforce. Easy, simple, and effective! 

This means that you can identify and solve issues from anywhere in the globe, providing customers with a seamless experience.  

It’s a known fact that service industry reciprocates customer behaviour; and ultimately, it’s your brand that must adapt to these trends. Getting ahead of the curve in such opportunities will be key to increasing your brand loyalty. 

Provide seamless customer service with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and more
Provide seamless customer service with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and more

5. Level-up your customer service game with email-to-case enhancements 

According to Forrester, 54% of customers used email for customer service last year, making it the most used digital channel for customer service.  

Take your customer service to the next level as you can turn your support emails into cases by simply logging into your Google account via Salesforce. Improve customer interactions by directly connecting your support team with your customers.  

No more wasting time with manual case creations! Rather shift your focus on faster, reliable case resolution with a complete 360-degree customer view – hence, delivering seamless customer experience! 

6. Work with cases smarter by merging redundant or duplicate cases

Efficiency should be the touchstone of your customer service. With the ability to combine up to three duplicate cases into a single, easy-to-access “master” case, your support agents can cut through the clutter and focus on your customers. This means that agents can now prioritise other complex cases without hassle. 

For instance, if a customer reports a “Late package delivery”, the agent will look for similarly worded cases previously recorded in the system. Then they can merge the cases into one, avoiding unnecessary redundancies.

Work smarter by merging redundant or duplicate cases

Improved Mobile Experience in Salesforce Spring ’20

7. The new Salesforce mobile app: elevate your user experience

More users are switching to mobile, even for business as usual tasks. Taking your business on-the-go with the new Salesforce mobile app will be a breeze. With an intuitive user interface, you also get access to more customisation options, leading ultimately to a superior performance.  

Even though all the features of the desktop version may not be available on the mobile, you can expect this to change in the upcoming releases. Salesforce has planned changes to the notifications, search, as well as navigation bar, etc. Customisability and improved performance are at the focus of the new mobile app. 

Apart from this, the Salesforce Spring ’20 update makes switching between desktop and mobile devices smoother than ever! 

New mobile app introduced in Salesforce Spring '20 Release
The new Salesforce mobile app: elevate your user experience

Also read – A Round-up of Salesforce Spring ’20 Features! to discover more exciting updates and enhancements from the Salesforce Spring ’20 release and how you can take advantage of them.

SeeLogic can help your organisation achieve its goals with the best-fit tools and technology. As our customers’ most trusted advisor, it is our mission to offer unbiased advice tailored to your business. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation on 01296 328 689. Or email us at and discover how we can help you with your digital transformation strategy for 2020.


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